Hello World! After the trivialities let me share some info of how this blog is run. You can study the source in gitlab that is also used for hosting the blog.
The main infrastructure here is the hugo static site generator, org-mode for editing the posts, ox-hugo for exporting the org file in hugo-compatible markdown files and the after-dark theme for basic design on which I intend to build a more personal style.
Installing Hugo on Fedora
So Fedora 29 doesn’t provided a recent hugo version so I installed from a COPR. It is quite easy to do so:
sudo dnf copr enable daftaupe/hugo
sudo dnf install hugo
First impression: Whoa, hugo is huge, 6.3Mb!
I also want code highlighting so to install pygments:
sudo dnf install python2-pygments
Installing ox-hugo
So now let’s install ox-hugo in emacs, from MELPA, using ox-hugo:
(use-package ox-hugo
:ensure t
:after ox
(use-package ox-hugo-auto-export))
The ox-hugo-auto-export package includes some nice features to auto-export your posts when you save your org file!
Basic blog config
Now that we have a working version of hugo and ox-hugo all that we are missing is a theme. After-dark is really nice and it has a simple script that initializes a hugo site and install the theme in the folder. It can be found here, but make sure to check the script you are running on your machine.
Now that we have most things ready to launch, we can fiddle with the config.toml file created from the after-dark script to suit our needs.
baseurl = "https://bendersteed.gitlab.io" # Controls base URL sitewide
languageCode = "en-US" # Controls site language
title = "Barracuda Blues" # Homepage title and page title suffix
paginate = 11 # Number of posts to show before paginating
# Controls default theme and theme components
theme = [
enableRobotsTXT = true # Suggested, enable robots.txt file
disqusShortname = "" # Deprecated, add Disqus shortname for comments
pygmentsCodefences = true # Suggested, highlight fenced code blocks
pygmentsUseClasses = true # Required for custom syntax highlighting
sectionPagesMenu = "main" # Enable menu system for lazy bloggers
footnoteReturnLinkContents = "↩" # Provides a nicer footnote return link
description = "A blog about living in the wired and out of it!" # Suggested, controls default description meta
author = "bendersteed" # Optional, controls author name display on posts
hide_author = true # Optional, set true to hide author name on posts
show_menu = true # Optional, set true to enable section menu
powered_by = true # Optional, set false to disable footer credits
images = [
] # Suggested, controls default Open Graph images
enabled = true # Optional, set false to disable module
decoders = ["bpgdec8a"] # Optional, 8-bit javascript decoder with animation
name = "About"
weight = 3
identifier = "about"
url = "/about"
Blogging Flow
So in reality all the previous steps are pretty trivial. I decide to document them just for anyone wanting to get a fast working setup. The interesting thing is that this configuration offers an amazing blogging procedure.
The ox-hugo package leverages all the org-mode capabilities so you can create a post using stuff like TODO states, tag inheritance and org-capture.
Looking into ox-hugo documentation gives some great insight on using org to author your posts. I decided to organize my blog by having a single blog.org file. This allows me to have some TODO headings that will be exported as drafts but will then be published when I mark them DONE, even getting as publish date the time the state changed. I find this so simple yet so clever!
Another great example of how clever the ox-hugo package is, is the fact that by setting the org-hugo-auto-export-on-save variable to true, and having loaded the package I mentioned before, the markdown files get auto-exported every-time I save my blog.org file.
You can add properties like toc: t to get a Table of Contents for your posts and so many other good stuff.
For now I’m pretty happy with this configuration, and think it’s quite a step up from my previous jekyll work-flow. Going on I would like to implement some more niceties but let’s leave these for another post.
Keep flying!